Friday, April 17, 2009

black hole

inhaling smoke I pondered tomorrow.

exhaling like a factory
a mouth of ash, cinder.

the dark cool air opened my lungs
and made me breathe.

while the stars sang sweetly with light,
the moon-shine bathed me
and my spirit rose to my mouth.

the air was water in my skin
and I was swimming 
under the street lights

oh the sky was liquid
and the ink sank into my pupils

and my eyes were the sky!
and my mind was the sky!

i nestled the earth in my embrace,
i felt the stars burn my flesh
the planets were in my hair

the universe had grasped me,
my love was essential, my warmth needed

i shook loose all existence and leapt away,
but all there was;
a black hole

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009